Scorekeepers Helper
Starting the Match
Beginning with Match 1, write the players names (both first & last, ID#'s, H/C, and "Race To") on the score sheet. It doesn't matter which player wins the lag. Print the "Home Team" player on the top and print the "Visiting Team" player on the bottom.
Made on Break (MOB)
The number of balls made on the break are marked in the (MOB) column of the breaking players score sheet after every break. Stripes and Solids combined. If the breaker makes a ball(s) and scratches, it's still marked in the (MOB) column only.
The only column marked on the break shot is the (MOB). No marks are ever made in the (COMP) or (MISS) columns.
Note: After the break, mark "ONLY ONE" hash mark in "ONE" of the following 3 columns of the score sheet for "EACH" player shooting (COMP), (MISS) or (DEF) until the game is over.
The only time you would mark 2 boxes on the score sheet at the same time for the same shot is if the player has made a ball that is not called. This would be marked in the Dead Ball Column. Follow this procedure for the entire match. Marks are made in each column for the entire match.
Completions (COMP)
If the shooting player makes the ball in the called pocket mark it as a (COMP).
If the shooting player makes their ball but scratches the cue ball, it is still marked as a (COMP), but ball in hand to their opponent.
If the shooting player makes their ball "plus" another ball it is marked as 1 (COMP). If only one ball has been called, you would mark the extra pocketed ball in the dead ball column.
Misses (MISS)
If the shooter misses their called pocket, mark it as a (MISS).
If the shooter calls a pocket and the ball goes in a different pocket, mark it as a (MISS). Mark the incorrectly made ball in the dead ball column.
If the shooter misses their called pocket and another ball goes in, mark it as a (MISS). Mark the incorrectly made ball in the dead ball column.
If the shooter is "hooked" on their ball and is only trying to hit their ball, mark it as a (MISS), unless they called a pocket and completed their shot, then mark it is a (COMP) "or" actually called a defensive shot, then mark it as a (DEF).
Defensive Shots (DEF)
Since this is "call pocket" game, the shooter must call their shot to a pocket or a call a defensive shot.
If the shooter pockets a ball on a defensive shot, mark it as a (DEF). (Defense Down)
If the shooter calls a defensive shot, it is ALWAYS marked as a "Defense" NO EXCEPTIONS! If the shooter is simply trying to hit their ball, because they are "hooked", this is marked as a (MISS). See Misses above.
Left On Table (LOT) When The Game Is Over:
If the losing player has balls left on the table, the total number is marked in their (LOT).
If the losing player shoots an early (8), there may be both solids and stripes left on the table. In this case, mark the number of balls each player has left on the table in their own (LOT) column.
If the losing player scratches the (8), the player who wins gets the 8 marked in their (LOT) column.
If the breaking player makes the (8) on the break, the remaining balls left on the table are added to both players (LOT) column with the breaking player credited with the lower count of stripes or solids and the opponent or loser with the higher count.
Games Won/Lost Match Over:
Each player is marked for "Games Won or Games Lost" in each game. Note: the games won for one player will equal the games lost for the other player.
At the end of the match, color in the "W" & "L" circles for the appropriate players.
Total all hash marks for each column. Write the total in the box located in the upper right hand corner of each column.
Score Sheet